Category: Celestial Bodies


    A blazar is a compact, extremely bright, active galactic nucleus characterized by strong and rapid changes in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation emitted over a wide range of wavelengths. Scientists have identified numerous blazars, all falling under the category of “active galactic nuclei” or AGNs, denoting their association with supermassive black holes that drive their…

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    A meteorite represents the remnants of a meteoroid that has endured the ablation of its surface material while traversing the atmosphere as a meteor. Discover the world of meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites and explore the diverse characteristics and diversity of meteoroids as they journey through space.

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    Comets are small, icy objects within the Solar System that undergoes heating and release gases as it approaches the Sun, a phenomenon known as outgassing. This process results in the formation of an extended, gravitationally unbound atmosphere or coma around the nucleus, often accompanied by a tail of gas and dust blown away from the…

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    The Oort Cloud exists in the realm of theoretical possibility and observation, beyond the recognizable planets and the frosty domain of the Kuiper Belt. Unlike the Kuiper Belt, which comprises relatively well-known objects like Pluto and Eris, the Oort Cloud is an immense and distant reservoir that is believed to extend to the outermost reaches…

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    Asteroids, commonly known as minor planets or planetesimals, are objects orbiting within the inner Solar System that do not qualify as true planets or comets. The history involves the discovery of Ceres in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi, followed by the identification of Pallas and Juno in 1802. These early observations prompted the recognition of a…

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    A black hole is a region in spacetime where gravity is so intense that not even light or any other electromagnetic waves can escape. According to the theory of general relativity, a mass compacted sufficiently can warp spacetime to create a black hole, with the point of no return known as the event horizon. The…

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    The Kuiper belt, also known as the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, is a broad, flat ring of icy small celestial objects orbiting the Sun. Discover the outer reaches of our solar system with insights into the Kuiper Belt. Explore the icy realms beyond Neptune, home to dwarf planets, comets, and other fascinating celestial objects.

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  • MOON

    The Moon is Earth’s most constant companion and the most accessible celestial object in the night sky. Explore the mysteries of Earth’s natural satellite, from its formation, structure and characteristics to its gravitational and magnetic field.

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    Asteroid Belt, the torus-shaped region, centered around the Sun, extends roughly between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. Dive into the depths of the asteroid belt and learn about its composition, formation, and role in our solar system.

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